Empowering one woman has far wider ramifications. Empowering women leads not only to economic progress and self-reliance but also ensures fewer children dropping out from schools ensuring a higher literacy rate. It helps their families, communities and the country at large.
Every life altering act usually has a seemingly small but potentially powerful thought behind it. It was an innocuous suggestion by one of our volunteers, who was instrumental in setting up of AnandVidyalaya - the school for underprivileged children that lead to the beginning of this initiative. She once asked one of her students to get his tornshirt stitched by his mother and he replied that his mother did not know stitching.
Propelled by the thought, DYS volunteers set upon themselves the target to start vocational training centres to provide free tailoring and other courses to help these women learn an art they could use. They capitalised on AnandVidyalayachildren to spread the word around in their neighbourhood.